Student’s organizations

Student Government Council

The Student Government Council at Jagiellonian University Medical College is part of the greater Jagiellonian University Student Government. This organization includes stu­dents from all faculties of the Medical College. The main objectives of the organization are defending student rights and representing the student community at the Jagiellonian University Senate, faculty councils, department councils, and program, didactic, and disciplinary committees. The Student Government Council supports the activities of other student organizations and initiatives (e.g., scientific circles, cultural, and sporting events). It is also in charge of allocating financial support to students at the Medical College.


Student Scientific Society

The Student Scientific Society is an organization integrating all levels of the Medical College, from all faculties, represent­ing students who wish to expand their knowledge and improve their skills through participation in special interest clubs ("scientific circles") located at different clinics, depart­ments, and chairs. It coordinates and supports the activities of scientific circles, gathering students interested in a partic­ular field of medicine with the aim of increasing their practi­cal skills.
Intensive cooperation with Student Scientific Societies at different universities and organizations which share similar objectives allows for exchanges and joint undertak­ings. In the 2007/2008 aca­demic year, the Student Scientific Society at the Medical College included 102 scientific circles. The govern­ing board of the Society sup­ports the activity of scientific circles, including organizing thematic workshops, training, and scientific conferences.
The Society is supported by the Medical College, which year­ly allocates special funds allowing students to conduct inde­pendent research.
The Society also organizes annual scientific conferences, pro­viding students with the opportunity to present themselves and their scientific achievements on both a national and international level. Authors of the best and most interesting projects are awarded prizes and distinctions, including the chance to publish in select scientific journals.
Each student is certain to find a scientific circle correspon­ding to his or her special interests, giving them the opportu­nity to take the first steps towards a rewarding scientific career. Furthermore, preparing scientific theses and conduct­ing research enables them to acquire skills vital for verifying information and data analysis, essential for publishing scien­tific articles and expanding one's knowledge.
Through work in scientific circles, students have the added opportunity to apply for scientific stipends and conference grants. The allocation of stipends, summer clerkships, or trips abroad is competitive and depends largely on one's partici­pation in activities organized by their respective scientific cir­cle. For many, it marks the beginning of a promising profes­sional career.


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - IFMSA

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) includes 2 million medical students from all over the world, from almost 100 member countries. In Poland, nearly 2000 students have joined the ranks of the IFMSA at its 11 branches, which operate at each medical education institution in the country. It is not numbers that best represent the character of the organization, but the common objective included in the Federation's mission state­ment: "to offer future physicians a comprehensive introduc­tion to global health issues. Through our programming and opportunities, we develop culturally sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing the trans-national inequali­ties that shape the health of our planet."
The Federation gathers young, ambitious, and energetic peo­ple with a passion for medicine, students who are conscious of social problems and express a desire to change the reality in which they live. For over 50 years, the Federation has been actively participating in the sphere of health services by working shoulder-to-shoulder with doctors to expand med­ical knowledge in local communities with respect to public health, reproductive health, and AIDS. Though mindful of society's needs, the Federation also expands the knowledge of its members by organizing such courses as surgical sutur­ing, Basic Life Support (BLS), Automated External Defibrillation (AED), and numerous scientific conferences, both private and open to the public.
These events are organized in cooperation with universities and non-governmental organizations. The extended program of scientific exchanges and summer clerkships organized by the Federation enables students to familiarize themselves with health services in different countries, improve profes­sional skills, and work on scientific projects in some of the most modern research centers in the world. The IFMSA actions are divided into 5 main programs: SCOME - Standing Committee on Medical Education, SCOPE - Standing Committee on Professional Exchange, SCORA - Standing Committee on Reproductive Health Including AIDS, SCORP -the Standing Committee on Refugees and Peace, and SCORE - Standing Committee on Research Exchange. IFMSA-Poland represents a large group of future physicians who aim to change the allocation of health service for the better, for whom the well-being of their patients represents the highest value. They spare neither time nor energy in fulfilling their passions and ideals for the benefit of others.


Academic Sport Association

The 2008/2009 academic year was an exceptional year for aca­demic sports in Poland, with the 100 year anniversary of the Academic Sport Association (Akademicki Związek Sportowy) in Poland. A Sports Club, organized as part of the Academic Sport Association, first began to operate at the Department of Physical Education at the Academy of Medicine.
The Association currently has 270 members in 16 sections, including such disciplines as swimming, skiing, basketball, vol­leyball, and soccer. Students of the Medical College participate in matches of the Małopolska Academic League, Polish University Championships, and Medical School Championships. They have consistently held top rankings for the past 20 years, resulting in the University being ranked in the top three of the most sports-active medical schools in the country.
The Association, together with the Department of Physical Education and Sport, organizes sporting events for the stu­dents and personnel of the Medical College, the most notable being the annual Alpine skiing competition. The "Jagiellonian University Medical College Vice-Rector's Cup" is an excellent integration event for students, their teachers, and families.
Deans from different faculties act as patrons of such season­al events as tennis competitions, mountain bike races, and swimming and soccer competitions. In 2007, the Kraków Sports Club hosted the 25th National Medical School Championship in swimming and skiing.
Didactic activities are organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sport, located in Kraków's Prokocim District, where students from all faculties of the Medical College participate in obligatory and extracurricular sporting classes. Classes include team events, musical-motor activities, physiotherapy exercises, and gymnastics.


Polish Pharmaceutical Students’ Association JU MC

Polish Pharmaceutical Students’ Association JU MC is an independent, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organisation connecting pharmacy students and graduates. Our members are driven by a deep commitment to personal development and social responsibility. We promote improved public health through the provision of information, education, and networking opportunities as well as a range of professional activities. Moreover, PPSA is the part of International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) and European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA).
Our statutory goals are:

  • representing the interests of Polish pharmacy students and young pharmacists in Poland and abroad
  • supporting students in gaining practical experience and theoretical knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical sciences
  • promoting the idea of pharmaceutical care and clinical pharmacy in Poland
  • raising public awareness about prevention, care and education of the most common health problems.

More: Facebook/ptsf.krakow

Polish Association of Dental Students

PTSS - Polish Association of Dental Students associates dental students from all medical universities in Poland. Since its establishing in 1997, the organization aims to select among all students of dentistry who, besides the daily activities related to the university, want to support their work with various actions and projects carried out by PTSS. Internationally, PTSS is a member of the IADS (International Association of Dental Students) and EDSA (European Dental Students Association).
PTSS and students
Several times during the academic year individual departments organize conferences, where students can learn about topics not covered at their universities, improve practical clinical skills and familiarize with new products in the dental field. The meetings are also social and help to integrate and exchange experiences between students of all ages. The departments are also organizing trainings for future dentists, aimed at expanding knowledge and improving clinical skills.
PTSS and society
Other main tasks of PTSS include carrying out various types of programs and actions on the local and national level. Members of PTSS organize open dental days directed to patients, work to improve the health of Poles by educating and encouraging prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
PTSS and science
The Polish Association of Dental Students in cooperation with university scientific groups work on projects and scientific research in various fields of dentistry. During some of the conferences organized by PTSS students can present their research.
PTSS cooperates with the Polish Dental Association and the Medical Chamber.
PTSS and the world
Thanks to cooperation with IADS and EDSA, PTSS members can participate in international projects: international conferences, academic internships, students’ holiday internships and students’ exchange. Taking part in such projects, our members represent a good brand of Polish dentistry students at the international forum.

More: Facebook/ptsskrakow

Students Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists JU MC

Students Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists JU MC is an organisation that consociates students of medical analytics at Jagiellonian University Medical College.
In Poland there are 11 simillar Associations with whom we organise medical conferences, nationwide Students' Debates and Diagnostic Simulations each year. We cooperate with other students organisations from JU MC and with National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians. Also we work with many companies connected with medicine and biotechnology in order to show students other than clinical laboratory ways of career.
We are involved in current issues of healthcare in Poland. We cooperate nationwide organising events about prevetion, laboratory tests and valid preparation and about our profession – Laboratory Medicine Scientists.
We organise meetings with specialists from many areas of Laboratory Medicine and workshops for future Medical Scientists to improve students’ skills and to help them make the first step towards proffesional life. We also make high school students aware of possibilities connected with medical area and encouarage them to study medical analytics.

More: Facebook/STDLUJCM