Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład "Innowacyjność uczenia się i nauczania w erze cyfrowej: możliwości i wyzwania" prof. Luciano Saso z Wydziału Farmacji i Medycyny Uniwersytetu Sapienza w Rzymie, doświadczonego naukowca w dziedzinie farmakologii, byłego zastępcy Rektora Uniwersytetu Sapienza.
Prof. Luciano Saso is Full Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome. He is author of 395 original scientific articles published in peer reviewed international journals with impact factor (H-index Google Scholar = 65) working mainly in the field of pharmacological modulation of oxidative stress. In 2022 he was listed among the HIGHLY CITED SCIENTISTS by Clarivate ( He coordinated several international research projects and has been referee for many national and international funding agencies and international scientific journals in the last 25 years. He has been Editor and Guest Editor of Special Issues of different international journals.
Prof. Luciano Saso ( has extensive experience in international relations. He has been Deputy-Rector at Sapienza University of Rome ( (2015-2022) and Co-Chair of the CIVIS ( HUB ON HEALTH (2019-). In the last 25 years, he participated in several projects and has been speaker and chair at many international conferences organized by the aforementioned associations and other organizations.
More information is available at
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prof. Luciano Saso zatytułowany " Pharmacological modulation of NRF2" >> LINK